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Supplier Code of Conduct

At SHV Energy, we conduct our business based on the principles of health & safety, integrity and with care for people and the environment. We want to work with suppliers who believe in the same principles and work collaboratively with us to comply with and improve upon them. This Code explains the behaviour we expect from suppliers in line with these principles.


We conduct business in a safe way

Our business is built upon providing a healthy and safe work environment for our employees and business partners, and we expect our suppliers, where relevant, to ensure that we achieve this.

Health and safety: Where applicable our suppliers must make their employees and contractors aware of the SHV Energy Health and Safety management system, SHV Energy Life Saving Rules and all relevant legal requirements pertaining to health and safety. Suppliers should confirm that they have the capability to meet the relevant requirements and always comply with these requirements, at work, while visiting customers and while travelling. Employees of suppliers and any contractors they work with should always follow safety procedures. We expect our suppliers to promptly report and control all safety risks and incidents.

Alcohol and drugs: Our suppliers must take ownership in ensuring that the SHV Energy controls related to alcohol and drugs are enforced everywhere their employees work, whether it is on the supplier’s premises, SHV Energy’s premises or elsewhere.

Working hours: Our suppliers need to ensure that their workers are not required to work more than 48 hours per week (standard work week) or more than 60 hours per week (maximum work week including overtime), unless the national provisions impose a shorter work week with fewer hours. Employees should have at least one day of rest in each seven-day period unless the national

provisions, or SHV Energy standards, impose a longer rest period. An exception to this rule may only be made where required by exceptional circumstances.

Stop work policy: Anyone working for SHV Energy or involved in the work done by or on behalf of SHV Energy must stop work if the conditions are considered to be unsafe.


We conduct business with integrity

Integrity is a key value of SHV Energy. We expect our suppliers to follow all applicable laws and operate with integrity in everything they do.

Operating license: Our suppliers must comply with the licenses, registrations, and certifications required and appropriate for conducting business in the locations in which they operate.

Competition law: Our suppliers must compete fairly and comply with antitrust and competition laws in the countries in which they operate. Suppliers must not make agreements or carry out practices that are illegal, such as price-fixing, market allocation or abuse of a dominant position.

Anti-bribery and corruption: We expect our suppliers to be committed to competing through the merits of their own products. This means never giving or accepting bribes or kickbacks or making facilitation payments. SHV Energy expects suppliers to comply with its policies concerning gifts and hospitality involving employees and representatives. Any form of extortion, corruption, or embezzlement is strictly forbidden and may result in immediate termination of a contract.

Conflict of interest: Our suppliers should do business in a way that is open and transparent and with the highest integrity. We request that our suppliers immediately communicate any potential conflict of interest before starting a business relationship and/or during the business relationship. In addition, our suppliers must not provide financial or other support to political parties to influence transactions with or for SHV Energy.

Trade controls: Our suppliers must comply with all relevant trade controls and provide accurate and truthful information about it to customs and other authorities when required. They identify and manage trade restrictions applicable to their business with us, including those of sanctioned countries and parties. SHV Energy does not accept any materials or service from persons, entities, governments or countries if doing so violates applicable sanctions.

Data privacy: Our suppliers must respect the personal data that results from their business operations, respect applicable privacy legislation and establish an information security system to protect SHV Energy’s information – including data from its customers and employees – from being disclosed, changed, destroyed or used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was provided. Data must be securely deleted or returned once it is no longer needed for this purpose.

Use of company resources: When it is necessary to use them for business purposes, our suppliers should make use of SHV Energy’s resources – including systems, networks and facilities – in an appropriate way.

Records: Our suppliers must keep accurate, complete and up-to-date records which may have an impact on their business activities with SHV Energy. These records must be retained in accordance with applicable laws.

Intellectual property and confidential information: Our suppliers need to respect intellectual property rights, including those of SHV Energy. They must have in place appropriate measures to prevent disclosure or unauthorized use of any SHV Energy confidential information made available to them.


We conduct business with care for people and the environment

Caring for people and working towards a more sustainable world are important priorities for our company and part of how we do business every day. We expect our suppliers to care for people and the environment in their actions and policies when working for and with SHV Energy.

Workers’ welfare: Our suppliers must respect the rights of employees and treat them fairly, in accordance with all applicable laws.

Anti-harassment and non-discrimination: We expect our suppliers to create a work environment free from mental or physical coercion. Our suppliers do not harass or discriminate whether through culture, race, nationality, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, association, political preference, or age.

Fair remuneration: Our suppliers should provide employees with wages and benefits that at least meet the minimum amount required by applicable laws/regulations.

Diversity and inclusion: We value suppliers who create an inclusive working environment and ensure that their employees and other stakeholders are always treated with dignity and respect.

Freedom of association: We expect our suppliers to respect employees’ freedom of association. Suppliers must not retaliate or discriminate against any person in their work force who chooses to exercise this right.


Child and compulsory labour: Our suppliers must not engage in or support child labour practices or forced or involuntary labour, including indentured, bonded or slave labour.


Raising concerns: SHV Energy has a mechanism in place where individuals can raise concerns about any violation or potential violation of laws and the principles outlined in this Code that affects SHV Energy. Our suppliers should provide their employees and other interested parties with a mechanism to raise concerns about any violation or potential violation of laws and the principles outlined in this Code. These concerns should be addressed in a fair and transparent way that protects confidentiality and prohibits retaliation against those raising concerns.


Environmental impact: Our suppliers must comply with all relevant environmental laws and ensure that all necessary permits are in place. We expect them to be committed to (re)using raw materials, energy and other natural resources efficiently, while minimizing waste, emissions and noise.


Society and community: We expect our suppliers to strive to be responsible citizens, who care about the communities they operate in and create positive impacts through the delivery of products and services.


Collaboration: We rely on our suppliers to collaborate with teams at SHV Energy and help us achieve our goal to reduce our environmental impact in the countries where we operate.


We count on our suppliers to work together with us to continually improve our practices around health & safety, integrity, care for people and the environment.


Our suppliers, and any party engaged by a supplier on behalf of SHV Energy or to perform work for the benefit of SHV Energy, must be made aware of the principles in this Code and will be held responsible for acting in accordance with them.


If you have questions around any of these principles, please reach out to your local Procurement contact or


Please be aware that non-compliance with this Code may lead to corrective measures, including termination of the business relationship.